Dr. Zohdy, Jordan Broadhead, Victoria Crabtree, and Gabe Andrle are in Madagascar to study small mammals, herps, their parasites, and how they relate to forest conservation and public health. Today we met the University of Antananarivo student Njara who will be helping with the small mammal and tenrec projects. The above picture is of us in front of the type specimen of the Coelocanth. Be sure to follow Victoria’s blog at https://lemursweb.wordpress.com/blog/ for the rest of the summer!
Starting a Lab
Our first official lab meeting of 2016 was bursting with new research ideas. As an exercise, everyone interested in working in the lab was asked to research, design, and present on a disease ecology project idea. We were thrilled when lab members came prepared with excellent powerpoint presentations, and we got to hear a series of very diverse and incredibly innovative research ideas. Go team!
We are excited to kick off 2016 with our lab growing in people and equipment. Our acting lab manager, Micaela Finney, has been working day in and day out to organize our new lab space here at Auburn University. We are proud to have her.
We are eager to begin our field research in Madagascar with students from Auburn University this summer; and starting in July 2016, Bobbie Renfro, will begin her position as field manager, where she will monitor and oversee our data collection in Madagascar in collaboration with Association Mitsinjo in Andasibe, Madagascar. We are very excited to have Bobbie on-board to spend an entire year in Madagascar, and can’t wait for her to propel our field research forward. We are hoping our work there will add to the growing knowledge of lemurs, diseases and disease vectors in Madagascar.
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